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Exercise concepts with you in mind

The 4FCIRCLE® fitness parcourse offers a wide range of user groups motivating, fun and accessible exercise facilities. Keeping yourself fit is as natural as eating and drinking - and should be just as fun. 4FCIRCLE® meets this need: we want to have our customers in mind.

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4FCIRCLE© ...a success story

4F stands for Fit / Free / Fun / Function and it offers a real alternative to everyone that enjoys exercising outdoors. The completely novel exercise concept unites findings from the latest training and sports science research. Even the German Olympics Association (DOSB) thinks our idea is super and recommends the use of 4FCIRCLE©

  • Families: Promotes play between young and old
  • Seniors: with selected stations for special exercise requirements
  • Schools: for children/young people that use P.E. class for play
  • Active athletes: 4FCIRCLE® stamina training for all athletes
  • Walking enthusiasts: that ‘happen’ to walk past
  • Tourists: Leisure activity for visitors to tourist areas
  • Therapists/personal trainers: Support through 4FCIRCLE® prevention and rehabilitation course
  • for anyone who wants to have fun and get healthy while exercising in the great outdoors.
Modular design

4FCIRCLE® makes goal-oriented training of coordination - strenght - stamina - agility - mobilisation and also complements existing sports facilities perfectly such as running/walking circuits and all kinds of school and sports grounds.



Commendations and studies

We are working on enhancing our concept of success since the year 2001. 

Here you will find projects and studies to give you the opportunity to form an opinion yourself. 

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User groups

The stations or exercise and play facilities featured on 4Fcircle have been developed from activities found on sports courses for a range of user groups and which do not have any restrictions in relation to age or fitness level. The result is versions of parcourse for almost any user group, depending on how the equipment is put together:

  • Families …intergenerational exercise facilities that promote play between young and old
  • Seniors …with selected stations that are specially designed to meet the exercise requirements of older people
  • Schools …for children that use the systems while at play and young people who can move their P.E. classes outdoors
  • Active athletes ...for individual athletes such as joggers or cyclists that can use 4Fcircle to supplement their stamina training and teams that want to target their training to specific areas
  • Walking enthusiasts ...that ‘happen’ to be walking past
  • Tourists additional leisure activity for visitors to tourist areas
  • Therapists/personal trainers ...use 4Fcircle to support them in their prevention and rehabilitation courses
  • suitable for anyone who wants to have fun and get healthy while exercising in the great outdoors.
Demands and challenges

The 4FCIRCLE® fitness parcourse offers a wide range of user groups motivating, fun and accessible exercise facilities.

  • regardless of age
  • regardless of size
  • regardless of fitness level
  • Highly motivational
  • Fun-inspired exercise
  • Successful training = motivation
  • High uptake in the area
  • Used regularly
  • Used by organisations, schools, and nursing homes etc.
  • Balanced training option that focuses on the key areas of strength, coordination and flexibility
  • Stable fitness equipment in technology, functionality and design

""Ich freue mich sehr, dass die alten Trimmpfade in der Stadt München durch diese neuen Einrichtungen ersetzt werden, die den neuen, modernen sportwissenschaftlichen Kenntnissen entspricht! Viele Münchnerinnen und Münchner betätigen sich gern sportlich- aber nicht unbedingt im Verein zu festgesetzten Zeiten - sondern einfach im Freien, wenn sie gerade Lust haben.""

Frau Dr. Gertraud Burkert, ehem. Sportbürgermeisterin Stadt München

""Als Sportamtsleiter bin ich froh, dass wir die Möglichkeit eines neuartigen Fitnessparcours haben. Die alten Schweißtropfbahnen und Trimmpfade sind überholt.""

Rudolf Behacker, Sportamtsleiter München

""Sehr gute Geräte! Hier kann ich mein Leistungstraining durchführen!""

Ina Himmler, Snowboard Weltmeisterin

""Das ist genau das Richtige für den bewegungsarmen Alltag der Jungen und Alten.""

Thomas Stangassinger, Olympiasieger Ski Alpin

""Die Begutachtung der 4Fcircle-Anlagen in München hat uns überzeugt, dass wir die erste Gemeinde in Österreich sein wollen, die einen 4Fcircle errichtet. Wir hoffen mit gutem Beispiel voranzugehen, dass in Österreich noch viele weitere solcher Anlagen entstehen.""

Rupert Eder, Bürgermeister Henndorf a. Wallersee/Österreich

""Auf einer Sportfachtagung in München konnte ich mich 2005 von der Funktionalität der 4Fcircle-Anlage überzeugen. Das Konzept hat mich so begeistert, dass ich mich auf die Suche nach einem Sponsor machte und wir nun in 2007 den ersten 4Fcircle in der Schweiz, in meinem Heimatort Münchenbuchsee errichten werden.""

Alfred Gerber, Sportamt Thun/Schweiz

Medium-sized towns: Butzbach

Outdoor gym in Butzbach

Clubs and associations: SC Rodau/ Zwingenberg

Informational video about the open-air gym "Speck-weg-Eck" in Zwingenberg

Universities: University of Saarland

Fitness and exercise course on campus of University of Saarland

Private entities: AOK Bavaria

Exercise isle at Olympia Park by AOK Bavaria

Calisthenics: Karlsruhe

Calisthenics-Einheit am Jugendzentrum Blaues Haus

All credentials summerized

  • Munich: exercise courses
  • Munich: exercise isle at Olympia Park by AOK Bavaria
  • Cologne: multigenerational exercise course at the Grüngürtel
  • Viechtach: exercise course
  • Zwingenberg: Open-Air-Gym "Speck-weg-Eck" of SC Rodau
  • Saarland: fitness and exercise course on campus of University of Saarland
  • Karlsruhe: calisthenics unit at the youth center "Blaues Haus"
Calisthenics as a philosophy for life

Calisthenics is a holistic approach that unites body and soul as one. Behind it is a philosophy for life based on respecting others, non-violence and abstinence. Those who pay attention to their body and themselves develop a particular kind of awareness that also makes them sensitive to their fellow man. Credible to sports science, functional for sport and permanent structures in public spaces.

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It is practised regularly by professional athletes. Targeted exercises based on your own strength firm all the body’s muscles, which is visible in aesthetically formed body proportions. This form of body training is now catching on in Germany as a new kind of exercise for normal sports enthusiasts having made its way from Eastern Europe and the USA. It’s known as calisthenics and differs greatly from exercising alone with machinery at the gym. It focuses on using the body’s own strength and energy. Full-body training without the need for complicated technology!

It involves gymnastics-style strength and physical exercises which are practised using your own body’s weight and at times some additional weights. You can use specified outdoor structures for the sport; but it’s easier and better to train on specialised calisthenics (also known as street workout) equipment.

Together with athletes from Delbrück/Westphalia, PLAYPARC has developed a compact system to install in parks or designated playgrounds and centres to be available for general use.

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  • Expert consulting
  • Bespoke quotes on request
  • Planning and consulting for your project
  • 40 years of experience in the play equipment industry
  • Member of DIN and CEN standardization committees
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