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New playgrounds for Dudelange (LUXEMBOURG)

In Dudelange (Luxemburg) new playgrounds are established...

NEOSPIEL®-Project Dudelange (Luxemburg) is easy described: FUN, FUN and more FUN! Town coucil of Dudelange has approx 20.000 inhabitants and roundabout 40 public playgrounds.

There are three NEOSPIEL®-Projects

The Castele in the area of «Baltzing». Castle JOHANNIS remembers of the existing castle on the hill Johannis in Dudelange.

In "Boujel" there is a Cableway installed, which is the highlight on the spot. 

 And in the area of "Soibelkaul" there can be pülayed now on a multi-play-Unit....

This really looks like big fun!


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