25 Products
Floor-level inclusion carousel
galvanised steel, H= 2,60 m
Balltable designed by Manfred Webel
Playtable designed by Manfred Webel
Galvanised steel
zum Erdeinbau INKL. Einbaurahmen
for sand and water
for ground installation
deck level
3-eckige Bank m. Lehne und Tisch
for 6 people
mit Rückenlehne
Balancing combination
Metallverz.H=2,60m, mit Sessel Maxi
Holz/Metall H=2,60m, mit Sessel Maxi
Galvanised steel construction
Timber/ Steel
Wood/ Steel
Delivery costs depend on the country of destination and the gross value of the goods in your shopping basket and are including betterment tax. Refer to this table for the conditions: